第九百一十条 仓单是提取仓储物的凭证。存货人或者仓单持有人在仓单上背书并经保管人签名或者盖章的,可以转让提取仓储物的权利。
Article 910
A warehouse receipt is a proof for collecting the stored goods. Where a
warehouse receipt is endorsed by the depositor or a holder of the receipt, and
is signed or stamped by the warehouser, the right to collect the stored goods
may be assigned to another person.
第九百一十一条 保管人根据存货人或者仓单持有人的要求,应当同意其检查仓储物或者提取样品。
Article 911
A warehouser shall, upon request of the depositor or the holder of the warehouse
receipt, allow the depositor or the holder to examine the stored goods or to
take samples of the goods.
第九百一十二条 保管人发现入库仓储物有变质或者其他损坏的,应当及时通知存货人或者仓单持有人。
Article 912
Where a warehouser finds that the stored goods deteriorate or suffer from other
damage, the warehouser shall promptly notify the depositor or the holder of the
warehouse receipt.
第九百一十三条 保管人发现入库仓储物有变质或者其他损坏,危及其他仓储物的安全和正常保管的,应当催告存货人或者仓单持有人作出必要的处置。因情况紧急,保管人可以作出必要的处置;但是,事后应当将该情况及时通知存货人或者仓单持有人。
Article 913
Where a warehouser finds that the stored goods deteriorate or suffer from other
damage, which endangers the safety and the normal warehousing of the other
stored goods, he shall demand the depositor or the holder of the warehouse
receipt to dispose of the goods when necessary. In case of emergency, a
warehouser may make necessary disposal, but afterwards shall promptly notify the
depositor or the holder of the warehouse receipt about the situation.
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