第九百零七条 保管人应当按照约定对入库仓储物进行验收。保管人验收时发现入库仓储物与约定不符合的,应当及时通知存货人。保管人验收后,发生仓储物的品种、数量、质量不符合约定的,保管人应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 907
A warehouser shall, in accordance with the agreement, examine the goods before
accepting them. Where a warehouser, upon examining the goods, finds that the
goods to be stored are inconsistent with the agreement, he shall promptly notify
the depositor. A warehouser shall bear the liability for compensation if, after
he has examined and accepted the stored goods, the goods are not in conformity
with the agreement in terms of the type, quantity, or quality.
第九百零八条 存货人交付仓储物的,保管人应当出具仓单、入库单等凭证。
Article 908
Upon delivery of the goods for storage by a depositor, the warehouser shall
issue a document such as a warehouse receipt or entry.
第九百零九条 保管人应当在仓单上签名或者盖章。仓单包括下列事项:
Article 909
A warehouser shall sign or stamp on a warehouse receipt. A warehouse receipt
shall contain the following particulars:
(1) the name or entity name and domicile of the depositor;
(2) the type, quantity, quality, package, the number of pieces, and marks of the
stored goods;
(3) the standard for damage and spoilage of the stored goods;
(4) the warehousing site;
(5) the warehousing period;
(6) the warehousing fee;
(7) the insured amount, term of insurance, and the entity name of the insurer if
the goods to be stored have been insured; and
(8) the name of the issuer and the place and date of issuance.
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