第九百一十四条 当事人对储存期限没有约定或者约定不明确的,存货人或者仓单持有人可以随时提取仓储物,保管人也可以随时请求存货人或者仓单持有人提取仓储物,但是应当给予必要的准备时间。
Article 914
Where there is no agreement between the parties on the warehousing period or the
relevant agreement is unclear, the depositor or the holder of the warehouse
receipt may collect the stored goods at any time, and the warehouser may, at any
time, request the depositor to collect the stored goods, provided that a
reasonable period of time necessary for preparations shall be given.
第九百一十五条 储存期限届满,存货人或者仓单持有人应当凭仓单、入库单等提取仓储物。存货人或者仓单持有人逾期提取的,应当加收仓储费;提前提取的,不减收仓储费。
Article 915
Upon expiration of the warehousing period, the depositor or the holder of the
warehouse receipt shall collect the stored goods by presenting the warehouse
receipt, warehouse entry, or the like. Additional warehousing fees shall be
charged if the depositor or the holder of the warehouse receipt delays in
collecting the stored goods, whereas the warehousing fees may not be reduced if
the goods are collected before expiration of the warehousing period.
第九百一十六条 储存期限届满,存货人或者仓单持有人不提取仓储物的,保管人可以催告其在合理期限内提取;逾期不提取的,保管人可以提存仓储物。
Article 916
Where a depositor or a holder of the warehouse receipt fails to collect the
stored goods upon expiration of the warehousing period, the warehouser may
demand the depositor or the holder of the warehouse receipt to collect the goods
within a reasonable period of time; if the depositor or the holder still fails
to collect the goods beyond the reasonable period, the warehouser may have the
warehoused goods placed in escrow.
第九百一十七条 储存期内,因保管不善造成仓储物毁损、灭失的,保管人应当承担赔偿责任。因仓储物本身的自然性质、包装不符合约定或者超过有效储存期造成仓储物变质、损坏的,保管人不承担赔偿责任。
Article 917
If within the warehousing period, the stored goods are destructed, damaged, or
lost due to improper warehousing, the warehouser shall bear the liability for
compensation. Where the deterioration or damage of the stored goods is due to
the inherent nature of the goods, or because the goods are not packaged in
accordance with the agreement, or because they are stored beyond a valid storage
period, the warehouser is not liable for compensation.
第九百一十八条 本章没有规定的,适用保管合同的有关规定。
Article 918
For matters not provided in this Chapter, the relevant provisions on the
contracts for custody of property shall be applied.
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