第八百九十五条 保管人不得使用或者许可第三人使用保管物,但是当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 895
A custodian may not use or permit a third person to use the article under his
custody, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
第八百九十六条 第三人对保管物主张权利的,除依法对保管物采取保全或者执行措施外,保管人应当履行向寄存人返还保管物的义务。
Article 896
Where a third person claims against an article under custody, the custodian
shall perform the obligation of returning the article to the depositor, unless
the said article is put under preservation or enforcement in accordance with
Where a third person files a lawsuit against the custodian or
applies for detention of the article under custody, the custodian shall promptly
notify the depositor.
第八百九十七条 保管期内,因保管人保管不善造成保管物毁损、灭失的,保管人应当承担赔偿责任。但是,无偿保管人证明自己没有故意或者重大过失的,不承担赔偿责任。
Article 897
Where an article under custody is destructed, damaged, or lost due to improper
safekeeping by the custodian during the period the article is under his custody,
the custodian shall bear the liability for compensation. Provided, however, that
a custodian who keeps the deposited article free of charge does not bear the
liability for compensation if he can prove that the destruction, damage, or loss
of the article is not caused by his intentional or grossly negligent act.
第八百九十八条 寄存人寄存货币、有价证券或者其他贵重物品的,应当向保管人声明,由保管人验收或者封存;寄存人未声明的,该物品毁损、灭失后,保管人可以按照一般物品予以赔偿。
Article 898
A depositor shall declare to the custodian if he places money, negotiable
securities, or other valuable articles under custody, and the custodian shall
examine them for acceptance or seal them; where the depositor fails to make such
a declaration, if the said article is destructed, damaged, or lost, the
custodian may make compensation based on a rate for ordinary articles.
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