第八百九十九条 寄存人可以随时领取保管物。
Article 899
A depositor may collect the article he places under custody at any time.
Where there is no agreement between the parties on the period
for custody or the relevant agreement is unclear, the custodian may, at any
time, request the depositor to collect the article under his custody. Where
there is an agreement on the period for custody, without special cause, the
custodian may not request the depositor to collect the article before such
period expires.
第九百条 保管期限届满或者寄存人提前领取保管物的,保管人应当将原物及其孳息归还寄存人。
Article 900
Upon expiration of the period for custody or where the depositor collects the
article he places under custody before expiration of such period, the custodian
shall return the article and the fruits accrued thereof to the depositor.
第九百零一条 保管人保管货币的,可以返还相同种类、数量的货币;保管其他可替代物的,可以按照约定返还相同种类、品质、数量的物品。
Article 901
Where money is placed under custody, the custodian may return the money in the
same currency and amount. Where other fungible goods are placed under custody,
the custodian may return the goods of the same kind, quality, and quantity in
accordance with the agreement.
第九百零二条 有偿的保管合同,寄存人应当按照约定的期限向保管人支付保管费。
Article 902
Under a contract for non-gratuitous custody, the depositor shall pay the
safekeeping fee to the custodian at a time agreed by the parties.
Where there is no agreement between the parties on the time limit for payment of
the safekeeping fee or the relevant agreement is unclear, if it cannot be
determined according to the provisions of Article 510 of this Code, the payment
shall be made at the time the article under custody is collected.
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