第八百九十一条 寄存人向保管人交付保管物的,保管人应当出具保管凭证,但是另有交易习惯的除外。
Article 891
Where a depositor delivers to a custodian an article to be kept under his
custody, the custodian shall issue a safekeeping certificate, unless otherwise
required by the course of dealing.
第八百九十二条 保管人应当妥善保管保管物。
Article 892
A custodian shall properly keep the article under his custody.
The parties may agree on the place and method of safekeeping. Except in case of
emergency or in the interests of the depositor, the place and method of
safekeeping may not be changed without the other party’s consent.
第八百九十三条 寄存人交付的保管物有瑕疵或者根据保管物的性质需要采取特殊保管措施的,寄存人应当将有关情况告知保管人。寄存人未告知,致使保管物受损失的,保管人不承担赔偿责任;保管人因此受损失的,除保管人知道或者应当知道且未采取补救措施外,寄存人应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 893
Where an article delivered by the depositor to be kept under custody has defects
or needs special safekeeping measures based on its nature, the depositor shall
inform the custodian of the relevant information. Where the depositor fails to
do so, if damage is thus caused to the article, the custodian does not bear the
liability for compensation, and if losses are thus caused to the custodian, the
depositor shall be liable for compensation unless the custodian knows or should
have known the situation but fails to take remedial measures.
第八百九十四条 保管人不得将保管物转交第三人保管,但是当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 894
A custodian may not re-deposit an article under his custody to a third person
for safekeeping, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
A custodian who re-deposits the article under his custody to a third person for
safekeeping in violation of the preceding paragraph thus causing damage to the
article shall bear the liability for compensation.
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