horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第八百零五条 因发包人变更计划,提供的资料不准确,或者未按照期限提供必需的勘察、设计工作条件而造成勘察、设计的返工、停工或者修改设计,发包人应当按照勘察人、设计人实际消耗的工作量增付费用。
Article 805
Where a contract-offering party alters his plan, provides inaccurate materials, or fails to provide necessary working conditions for prospecting or designing according to the schedule, thus causing the redoing or stoppage of the prospecting or designing work or the revision of the design, the contract-offering party shall pay additional fees according to the amount of work actually undertaken by the prospecting or designing party.

  第八百零六条 承包人将建设工程转包、违法分包的,发包人可以解除合同。
Article 806
Where a contractor delegates or illegally subcontracts the construction project to others, the contract-offering party may rescind the contract.
Where the main construction materials, construction components and accessories, and equipment provided by the contract-offering party fail to conform to the mandatory standard, or the contract-offering party fails to perform the obligation of providing assistance, so that the contractor cannot undertake the construction work, if the contract-offering party still fails to perform the corresponding obligations within a reasonable period of time after being demanded, the contractor may rescind the contract.
Where, after the contract is rescinded, the quality of the completed construction project is found to be up to standard, the contract-offering party shall make corresponding payment for the construction project in accordance with the agreement. If the quality of the completed construction project is found to be substandard, the provisions of Article 793 of this Code shall be applied mutatis mutandis.
  第八百零七条 发包人未按照约定支付价款的,承包人可以催告发包人在合理期限内支付价款。发包人逾期不支付的,除根据建设工程的性质不宜折价、拍卖外,承包人可以与发包人协议将该工程折价,也可以请求人民法院将该工程依法拍卖。建设工程的价款就该工程折价或者拍卖的价款优先受偿。
Article 807
Where a contract-offering party fails to pay the price in accordance with the agreement, the contractor may demand the contract-offering party to make the payment within a reasonable period of time. Where the contract-offering party still fails to pay the price upon expiration of the said period, the contractor may negotiate with the contract-offering party to appraise the construction project, or request the people’s court to sell the project through auction in accordance with law, unless the construction project is by its nature unsuitable for appraisal or auction. The payment for the construction of the project shall be satisfied, in priority, from the proceeds obtained from the appraisal or auction of the said project.
  第八百零八条 本章没有规定的,适用承揽合同的有关规定。
Article 808
For matters not provided in this Chapter, the relevant provisions on work contracts shall be applied.


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