第八百条 勘察、设计的质量不符合要求或者未按照期限提交勘察、设计文件拖延工期,造成发包人损失的,勘察人、设计人应当继续完善勘察、设计,减收或者免收勘察、设计费并赔偿损失。
Article 800
Where losses are caused to a contract-offering party due to the fact that the
prospecting or designing does not conform to the quality requirements or that
the prospecting or designing documents are not submitted as scheduled, so that
the period for construction is delayed, the prospecting or designing party shall
continue on perfecting the prospecting or designing, reduce or waive the
prospecting or designing fees, and make compensation for the losses.
第八百零一条 因施工人的原因致使建设工程质量不符合约定的,发包人有权请求施工人在合理期限内无偿修理或者返工、改建。经过修理或者返工、改建后,造成逾期交付的,施工人应当承担违约责任。
Article 801
Where the quality of a construction project fails to conform to the contract due
to a reason attributable to the constructor, the contract-offering party has the
right to request the constructor to repair, rework, or reconstruct the project
without further charge within a reasonable period of time. If delivery is
delayed because of the repair, reworking, or reconstruction, the constructor
shall bear default liability.
第八百零二条 因承包人的原因致使建设工程在合理使用期限内造成人身损害和财产损失的,承包人应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 802
Where a construction project causes personal injury and property damage within a
reasonable period of use of the project due to a reason attributable to the
contractor, the contractor shall bear the liability for compensation.
第八百零三条 发包人未按照约定的时间和要求提供原材料、设备、场地、资金、技术资料的,承包人可以顺延工程日期,并有权请求赔偿停工、窝工等损失。
Article 803
Where a contract-offering party fails to provide raw materials, equipment,
premises, funds, or technical materials at the agreed time and pursuant to the
agreed requirements, the contractor may extend the period of construction
accordingly and has the right to request compensation for the losses caused by
work stoppage, workers’ forced idleness, and the like.
第八百零四条 因发包人的原因致使工程中途停建、缓建的,发包人应当采取措施弥补或者减少损失,赔偿承包人因此造成的停工、窝工、倒运、机械设备调迁、材料和构件积压等损失和实际费用。
Article 804
If a construction project is stopped or suspended in midcourse due to a reason
attributable to the contract-offering party, the contract-offering party shall
take measures to make up for or mitigate the loss, and compensate the contractor
for any losses caused and any actual expenses incurred by work stoppage,
workers’ forced idleness, back transportation, transfer of machinery equipment,
the backlog of materials and structural components, and the like.
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