horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第七百九十五条 施工合同的内容一般包括工程范围、建设工期、中间交工工程的开工和竣工时间、工程质量、工程造价、技术资料交付时间、材料和设备供应责任、拨款和结算、竣工验收、质量保修范围和质量保证期、相互协作等条款。
Article 795
A construction contract generally contains clauses specifying the scope of the project, the period for construction, the time of commencement and completion of the project to be delivered in midcourse, project quality, costs, delivery time of technical materials, the responsibility for the supply of materials and equipment, fund allocation and settlement, project inspection and acceptance upon its completion, range and period of quality warranty, cooperation, and the like.

  第七百九十六条 建设工程实行监理的,发包人应当与监理人采用书面形式订立委托监理合同。发包人与监理人的权利和义务以及法律责任,应当依照本编委托合同以及其他有关法律、行政法规的规定。
Article 796
For any construction project to which a superintendence system is applied, the contract-offering party shall conclude an entrustment contract of superintendence in writing with the entrusted superintendent. The rights and obligations as well as the legal liabilities of the contract-offering party and the superintendent shall be defined in accordance with the provisions on entrustment contracts of this Book as well as the relevant provisions of other laws and administrative regulations.
  第七百九十七条 发包人在不妨碍承包人正常作业的情况下,可以随时对作业进度、质量进行检查。
Article 797
The contract-offering party may, without disturbing the normal operation of the contractor, inspect the progress and quality of the work at any time.
  第七百九十八条 隐蔽工程在隐蔽以前,承包人应当通知发包人检查。发包人没有及时检查的,承包人可以顺延工程日期,并有权请求赔偿停工、窝工等损失。
Article 798
Prior to the concealment of a concealed project, the contractor shall notify the contract-offering party to inspect it. If the contract-offering party fails to conduct an inspection in a timely manner, the contractor may extend the period for the completion of the project accordingly, and may request compensation for the losses caused by the work stoppage, the workers’ forced idleness, and the like.
  第七百九十九条 建设工程竣工后,发包人应当根据施工图纸及说明书、国家颁发的施工验收规范和质量检验标准及时进行验收。验收合格的,发包人应当按照约定支付价款,并接收该建设工程。
Article 799
Upon completion of a construction project, the contract-offering party shall promptly undertake the inspection for acceptance in accordance with the construction drawings and descriptions, as well as the rules of inspection and acceptance of construction projects and the standards for quality inspection issued by the State. Where the project passes the inspection for acceptance, the contract-offering party shall pay the agreed price and take over the construction project.
A construction project may be delivered and put into use only after it has passed the inspection for acceptance upon completion. Without being inspected or failing to pass the inspection, the construction project may not be delivered or put into use.


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