第七百九十二条 国家重大建设工程合同,应当按照国家规定的程序和国家批准的投资计划、可行性研究报告等文件订立。
Article 792
Contracts for major construction projects of the State shall be concluded in
accordance with the procedures set forth by the State and such documents as
investment plans and feasibility study reports approved by the State.
第七百九十三条 建设工程施工合同无效,但是建设工程经验收合格的,可以参照合同关于工程价款的约定折价补偿承包人。
Where a contract for construction project is invalid and the construction
project fails to pass the inspection for acceptance, it shall be dealt with in
accordance with the following provisions:
(1) where the construction project after being repaired has passed the
inspection for acceptance, the contract-offering party may request the
contractor to bear the repairing costs; or
(2) where the construction project after being repaired still fails to pass the
inspection for acceptance, the contractor has no right to request for payment
with reference to the project price agreed in the contract and based on the
appraised price of the construction project.
Where a contract-offering party is at fault for the losses caused by the
substandard of the construction project, he shall bear corresponding
第七百九十四条 勘察、设计合同的内容一般包括提交有关基础资料和概预算等文件的期限、质量要求、费用以及其他协作条件等条款。
Article 794
A prospecting or designing contract generally contains clauses specifying the
time limit for submission of documents relating to the basic materials and
budget, quality requirements, expenses and other cooperative conditions, and the
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