第十九章 运输合同
Chapter XIX
Transport Contracts
第一节 一般规定
Section 1
General Rules
第八百零九条 运输合同是承运人将旅客或者货物从起运地点运输到约定地点,旅客、托运人或者收货人支付票款或者运输费用的合同。
Article 809
A transport contract is a contract under which a carrier transports a passenger
or goods from the place of dispatch to a destination agreed by the parties, and
the passenger, consignor, or consignee pays the fare or the freight.
第八百一十条 从事公共运输的承运人不得拒绝旅客、托运人通常、合理的运输要求。
Article 810
A carrier engaged in public transport may not reject an ordinary and reasonable
transport request made by a passenger or consignor.
第八百一十一条 承运人应当在约定期限或者合理期限内将旅客、货物安全运输到约定地点。
Article 811
A carrier shall safely transport a passenger or goods to a destination as agreed
within the agreed or a reasonable period of time.
第八百一十二条 承运人应当按照约定的或者通常的运输路线将旅客、货物运输到约定地点。
Article 812
A carrier shall transport a passenger or goods to a destination as agreed via an
agreed or a usual transport route.
第八百一十三条 旅客、托运人或者收货人应当支付票款或者运输费用。承运人未按照约定路线或者通常路线运输增加票款或者运输费用的,旅客、托运人或者收货人可以拒绝支付增加部分的票款或者运输费用。
Article 813
A passenger, consignor, or consignee shall pay the fare or the freight. If a
carrier does not transport via an agreed route or the usual route, thus
increasing the fare or the freight, the passenger, consignor, or consignee may
refuse to pay the extra fare or freight.
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