第五百五十二条 第三人与债务人约定加入债务并通知债权人,或者第三人向债权人表示愿意加入债务,债权人未在合理期限内明确拒绝的,债权人可以请求第三人在其愿意承担的债务范围内和债务人承担连带债务。
Article 552
Where a third person agrees with the debtor to join in the obligation and
notifies the creditor thereof, or a third person indicates to the creditor his
willingness to join in the obligation, if the creditor does not explicitly make
a rejection within a reasonable period of time, the creditor may request the
third person to assume the joint and several obligation with the debtor to the
extent of the obligation the third person is willing to assume.
第五百五十三条 债务人转移债务的,新债务人可以主张原债务人对债权人的抗辩;原债务人对债权人享有债权的,新债务人不得向债权人主张抵销。
Article 553
Where a debtor delegates his obligation, the delegatee may assert a defense of
the original debtor against the creditor; where the original debtor has a claim
against the creditor, the delegatee may not claim a set-off against the
第五百五十四条 债务人转移债务的,新债务人应当承担与主债务有关的从债务,但是该从债务专属于原债务人自身的除外。
Article 554
Where a debtor delegates his obligation, the delegatee shall assume the
accessory obligation related to the principal obligation, unless the accessory
obligation belongs exclusively to the original debtor.
第五百五十五条 当事人一方经对方同意,可以将自己在合同中的权利和义务一并转让给第三人。
Article 555
A party may concomitantly assign his rights and delegate his obligations under a
contract to a third person with the consent of the other party.
第五百五十六条 合同的权利和义务一并转让的,适用债权转让、债务转移的有关规定。
Article 556
Where the rights and obligations under a contract are assigned and delegated
concomitantly, the provisions on assignment of claims and delegation of
obligations shall be applied.
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