第五百四十九条 有下列情形之一的,债务人可以向受让人主张抵销:
Article 549
A debtor may claim a set-off against the assignee under either of the following
(1) when the debtor receives the notice of assignment of a claim, the debtor has
a claim against the assignor which becomes due prior to or at the same time of
the due date of the assigned claim; or
(2) the debtor’s claim and the assigned claim are generated on the basis of the
same contract.
第五百五十条 因债权转让增加的履行费用,由让与人负担。
Article 550
The expenses for performance increased due to the assignment of a claim shall be
borne by the assignor.
第五百五十一条 债务人将债务的全部或者部分转移给第三人的,应当经债权人同意。
Article 551
Where a debtor delegates his obligation in whole or in part to a third person,
the consent of the creditor shall be obtained.
The debtor or the third person may demand the creditor to give his consent
within a reasonable period of time. Where the creditor makes no indication, it
shall be deemed as no consent given.
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