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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第四百三十条 质权人有权收取质押财产的孳息,但是合同另有约定的除外。
Article 430
A pledgee has the right to collect the fruits accrued from the pledged property unless otherwise agreed in the contract.
The fruits as specified in the preceding paragraph shall first be applied to offset the expenses of collection of them.
  第四百三十一条 质权人在质权存续期间,未经出质人同意,擅自使用、处分质押财产,造成出质人损害的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 431
A pledgee who, during the effective period of the pledge, uses or disposes of the pledged property without the consent of the pledgor and thus causes damage to the latter shall be liable for compensation.
  第四百三十二条 质权人负有妥善保管质押财产的义务;因保管不善致使质押财产毁损、灭失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 432
A pledgee is obligated to well keep the pledged property, and shall be liable for compensation where the pledged property is destructed, damaged, or lost due to his improper custody.
Where a pledgee’s act is likely to cause the pledged property to be destructed, damaged, or lost, the pledgor may request the pledgee to place the pledged property in escrow, or request the pledgee to allow him to discharge the obligation before it is due and return the pledged property.
  第四百三十三条 因不可归责于质权人的事由可能使质押财产毁损或者价值明显减少,足以危害质权人权利的,质权人有权请求出质人提供相应的担保;出质人不提供的,质权人可以拍卖、变卖质押财产,并与出质人协议将拍卖、变卖所得的价款提前清偿债务或者提存。
Article 433
Where, due to a cause the pledgee is not responsible for, the pledged property is likely to be damaged or significantly diminished in value which suffices to jeopardize the pledgee’s rights, the pledgee has the right to request the pledgor to provide additional security; where the pledgor fails to do so, the pledgee may have the pledged property sold at auction or in a sale and may, by agreement with the pledgor, apply the proceeds obtained from the auction or sale to discharge the obligation before it is due or place such proceeds in escrow.


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