第四百三十四条 质权人在质权存续期间,未经出质人同意转质,造成质押财产毁损、灭失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 434
A pledgee shall be liable for compensation where he, during the effective period
of the pledge, repledges the pledged property without the consent of the pledgor
to a third person and thus causes destruction, damage, or loss to the pledged
第四百三十五条 质权人可以放弃质权。债务人以自己的财产出质,质权人放弃该质权的,其他担保人在质权人丧失优先受偿权益的范围内免除担保责任,但是其他担保人承诺仍然提供担保的除外。
Article 435
A pledgee may waive his right to the pledge. Where a debtor creates a pledge on
his own property and the pledgee waives his right to the pledge, the other
security providers shall be exempted from the security liability to the extent
of the rights and interests of the pledgee that are forfeited owing to the
waiver of his priority to be paid from the collateral, unless the other security
providers are committed to still provide security.
第四百三十六条 债务人履行债务或者出质人提前清偿所担保的债权的,质权人应当返还质押财产。
Article 436
A pledgee shall return the pledged property after the debtor has performed his
obligation or the pledgor has paid the secured claim before it is due.
Where a debtor fails to perform an obligation due or an event upon the
occurrence of which a pledge is to be enforced as agreed upon by the parties
occurs, the pledgee may, by agreement with the pledgor, appraise and accept the
pledged property as satisfaction of his claim, or have priority to be paid from
the proceeds obtained from auction or sale of the pledged property.
The appraisal or sale of the pledged property shall be based on the market
第四百三十七条 出质人可以请求质权人在债务履行期限届满后及时行使质权;质权人不行使的,出质人可以请求人民法院拍卖、变卖质押财产。
Article 437
A pledgor may request the pledgee to timely enforce the pledge after expiration
of the period of performance of the obligation; where the pledgee fails to do
so, the pledgor may request the people’s court to have the pledged property sold
at auction or in a sale.
Where a pledgor requests the pledgee to timely enforce the pledge and damage is
caused to the pledgor owing to the pledgee’s indolence in doing so, the pledgee
shall be liable for compensation.
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