horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第四百二十七条 设立质权,当事人应当采用书面形式订立质押合同。
Article 427
To create a pledge, the parties shall enter into a pledge contract in writing.
A pledge contract generally contains the following clauses:
(1) the type and amount of the secured claim;
(2) the term for the debtor to perform the obligation;
(3) such particulars as the name and quantity of the pledged property;
(4) the scope of the security covered; and
(5) the time for and the mode of the delivery of the pledged property.
  第四百二十八条 质权人在债务履行期限届满前,与出质人约定债务人不履行到期债务时质押财产归债权人所有的,只能依法就质押财产优先受偿。
Article 428
Where, prior to the due date of performance of an obligation, the pledgee reaches an agreement with the pledgor under which the pledged property belongs to the creditor in the event that the debtor fails to perform the obligation due, the pledgee, regardless, may only have priority to be paid from the pledged property in accordance with law.
  第四百二十九条 质权自出质人交付质押财产时设立。
Article 429
A pledge is created upon delivery of the pledged property by the pledgor.


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场地推广 虚位以待 常年法律顾问:何止是企业的保健医生