第四百一十二条 债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现抵押权的情形,致使抵押财产被人民法院依法扣押的,自扣押之日起,抵押权人有权收取该抵押财产的天然孳息或者法定孳息,但是抵押权人未通知应当清偿法定孳息义务人的除外。
Article 412
Where a debtor fails to perform his obligation due or an event upon the
occurrence of which a mortgage is to be enforced as agreed upon by the parties
occurs, resulting in the seizure of the mortgaged property by the people’s court
in accordance with law, the mortgagee is entitled to collect the natural fruits
or civil fruits accrued from the mortgaged property as of the date of the
seizure, unless the mortgagee fails to notify the person who is obligated to pay
off the civil fruits.
The fruits as specified in the preceding paragraph shall first be applied to
offset the expenses of collecting them.
第四百一十三条 抵押财产折价或者拍卖、变卖后,其价款超过债权数额的部分归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。
Article 413
Where the appraised value of mortgaged property or the proceeds obtained from
auction or sale of it is in excess of the amount of the obligation owed, any
excess shall belong to the mortgagor, whereas any deficiency balance shall be
paid by the debtor.
第四百一十四条 同一财产向两个以上债权人抵押的,拍卖、变卖抵押财产所得的价款依照下列规定清偿:
Article 414
Where a property is mortgaged to two or more creditors, the proceeds obtained
from auction or sale of the mortgaged property shall be applied to repay the
debts in accordance with the following provisions:
(1) where the mortgages have all been registered, the priority order of payment
is based on the priority in time of registration;
(2) a registered mortgage has priority over an unregistered mortgage to be paid;
(3) where none of the mortgages are registered, payment shall be made on a pro
rata basis against the claims.
The preceding paragraph shall be applied mutatis mutandis with regard to the
priority order of payment for other security interests that are registrable.
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