第四百一十五条 同一财产既设立抵押权又设立质权的,拍卖、变卖该财产所得的价款按照登记、交付的时间先后确定清偿顺序。
Article 415
Where both a mortgage and a pledge are created on the same property, the
priority order of repayment with the proceeds obtained from auction or sale of
the property shall be based on the priority in time of registration and delivery
of the property.
第四百一十六条 动产抵押担保的主债权是抵押物的价款,标的物交付后十日内办理抵押登记的,该抵押权人优先于抵押物买受人的其他担保物权人受偿,但是留置权人除外。
Article 416
Where a principal claim secured by a mortgage on movable property is the
purchase price of the mortgaged property, and registration for the mortgage is
made within 10 days after delivery of the property, the mortgagee has the
priority to be paid over the other persons, other than a lienholder, who have
security interests thereon in relation to the purchaser of the mortgaged
第四百一十七条 建设用地使用权抵押后,该土地上新增的建筑物不属于抵押财产。该建设用地使用权实现抵押权时,应当将该土地上新增的建筑物与建设用地使用权一并处分。但是,新增建筑物所得的价款,抵押权人无权优先受偿。
Article 417
Where a right to use a lot of land for construction purposes is mortgaged, any
newly added buildings on the lot of land are not part of the mortgaged property.
Upon enforcement of the mortgage on the right to use the lot of land for
construction purposes, the newly added buildings on such land shall be disposed
of concomitantly with the right to use such land for construction purposes.
Provided, however, that the mortgagee has no priority to be paid from the
proceeds obtained from disposition of the newly added buildings.
第四百一十八条 以集体所有土地的使用权依法抵押的,实现抵押权后,未经法定程序,不得改变土地所有权的性质和土地用途。
Article 418
Where a right to use a lot of land owned by a collective is mortgaged in
accordance with law, the nature of the ownership and the purpose of use of the
land may not be altered without going through statutory procedures after the
mortgage is enforced.
第四百一十九条 抵押权人应当在主债权诉讼时效期间行使抵押权;未行使的,人民法院不予保护。
Article 419
A mortgagee shall exercise his right to mortgage within the limitation period
for claiming against the principal obligation; otherwise no protection may be
provided by the people’s court.
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