horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第四百零八条 抵押人的行为足以使抵押财产价值减少的,抵押权人有权请求抵押人停止其行为;抵押财产价值减少的,抵押权人有权请求恢复抵押财产的价值,或者提供与减少的价值相应的担保。抵押人不恢复抵押财产的价值,也不提供担保的,抵押权人有权请求债务人提前清偿债务。
Article 408
Where an act of a mortgagor suffices to reduce the value of the mortgaged property, the mortgagee is entitled to request the mortgagor to refrain from performing such an act. Where the value of the mortgaged property is reduced, the mortgagee is entitled to request the mortgagor to restore its value or provide additional security to the extent of the reduced value. Where the mortgagor neither restores the original value of the mortgaged property, nor provides additional security, the mortgagee is entitled to request the debtor to pay off the debt before it is due.
  第四百零九条 抵押权人可以放弃抵押权或者抵押权的顺位。抵押权人与抵押人可以协议变更抵押权顺位以及被担保的债权数额等内容。但是,抵押权的变更未经其他抵押权人书面同意的,不得对其他抵押权人产生不利影响。
Article 409
A mortgagee may waive his right to the mortgage, or waive his priority order in the line of the mortgagees. A mortgagee and the mortgagor may reach an agreement to change such things as the mortgagee’s priority order in the line of the mortgagees and the amount of the secured claim, provided that any change to the mortgage may not adversely affect the other mortgagees without their written consent.
Where a debtor creates a mortgage on his own property, and the mortgagee waives his right to the mortgage and his priority order in the line of mortgagees, or changes the mortgage, the other security providers shall be exempted from the security liability to the extent of the rights and interests of the mortgagee that are forfeited owing to the waiver of his priority to be paid from the mortgaged property, unless the other security providers are committed to still provide security.
  第四百一十条 债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现抵押权的情形,抵押权人可以与抵押人协议以抵押财产折价或者以拍卖、变卖该抵押财产所得的价款优先受偿。协议损害其他债权人利益的,其他债权人可以请求人民法院撤销该协议。
Article 410
Where a debtor fails to perform his obligation due or an event upon the occurrence of which a mortgage is to be enforced as agreed upon by the parties occurs, the mortgagee may, upon agreement with the mortgagor, have the priority right to appraise and accept the mortgaged property, or apply the proceeds obtained from auction or sale of the mortgaged property to satisfy his claim against the mortgagor. Where the agreement is detrimental to the interests of other creditors, the other creditors may request the people’s court to rescind the agreement.
Where a mortgagee and a mortgagor fail to reach an agreement on the methods of enforcing the mortgage, the mortgagee may request the people’s court to have the mortgaged property sold at auction or in a sale.
The appraisal or sale of the mortgaged property shall be based on the market price.
  第四百一十一条 依据本法第三百九十六条规定设定抵押的,抵押财产自下列情形之一发生时确定:
Article 411
Where a mortgage is created in accordance with the provisions of Article 396 of this Code, the mortgaged property shall be ascertained at the time when one of the following circumstances occurs:
(1) the claim is not satisfied upon expiration of the period of performance of the obligation;
(2) the mortgagor is declared bankrupt or dissolved;
(3) an event upon the occurrence of which the mortgage is to be enforced as agreed upon by the parties occurs; or
(4) there exists any other circumstance that seriously affects the enforcement of the claim.


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