第四百零三条 以动产抵押的,抵押权自抵押合同生效时设立;未经登记,不得对抗善意第三人。
Article 403
A mortgage on movable property shall be created at the time when the mortgage
contract enters into effect; without registration, such a mortgage may not be
asserted against a bona fide third person.
第四百零四条 以动产抵押的,不得对抗正常经营活动中已经支付合理价款并取得抵押财产的买受人。
Article 404
A mortgage on movable property may not be asserted against a buyer who has paid
a reasonable purchase price and acquired the mortgaged property in the ordinary
course of business.
第四百零五条 抵押权设立前,抵押财产已经出租并转移占有的,原租赁关系不受该抵押权的影响。
Article 405
Where mortgaged property has been let to and possessed by another person prior
to creation of the mortgage, the lease relationship is not affected by the
第四百零六条 抵押期间,抵押人可以转让抵押财产。当事人另有约定的,按照其约定。抵押财产转让的,抵押权不受影响。
Article 406
A mortgagor may transfer the mortgaged property to another person during the
term of the mortgage unless otherwise agreed by the parties. The transfer of the
mortgaged property does not affect the mortgage.
A mortgagor who transfers the mortgaged property to another person shall notify
the mortgagee in a timely manner. The mortgagee may request the mortgagor to
apply the proceeds of the transfer to pay off the obligation before it is due,
or place such proceeds in escrow where he may establish that the transfer of the
mortgaged property may impair his right to the mortgage. The portion of the
proceeds obtained from the transfer in excess of the amount of the obligation
owed shall belong to the mortgagor, whereas any deficiency balance shall be paid
by the debtor.
第四百零七条 抵押权不得与债权分离而单独转让或者作为其他债权的担保。债权转让的,担保该债权的抵押权一并转让,但是法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 407
A mortgage may not be transferred separately from the underlying claim or be
used as security for another claim. Where a claim is transferred, the mortgage
securing the claim shall be transferred concomitantly with it, unless otherwise
provided by law or agreed by the parties.
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