第一百一十七条 为了公共利益的需要,依照法律规定的权限和程序征收、征用不动产或者动产的,应当给予公平、合理的补偿。
Article 117
Where, for the purpose of public interests, immovable or movable property is
expropriated or requisitioned according to the scope of authority and the
procedure provided by law, fair and reasonable compensation shall be paid.
第一百一十八条 民事主体依法享有债权。
Article 118
Persons of the civil law have rights in personam in accordance with law.
A right in personam is the right of an obligee to request a
specific obligor to do or not to do a certain act, as arising from a contract, a
tortious act, a negotiorum gestio, or unjust enrichment, or otherwise
arising by operation of law.
第一百一十九条 依法成立的合同,对当事人具有法律约束力。
Article 119
A contract formed in accordance with law is legally binding on the parties to
the contract.
第一百二十条 民事权益受到侵害的,被侵权人有权请求侵权人承担侵权责任。
Article 120
Where a person’s civil-law rights and interests are infringed upon due to a
tortious act, the person is entitled to request the tortfeasor to bear tort
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