第一百二十一条 没有法定的或者约定的义务,为避免他人利益受损失而进行管理的人,有权请求受益人偿还由此支出的必要费用。
Article 121
A person who, without a statutory or contractual obligation, engages in
management activities to prevent another person from suffering loss of
interests, is entitled to request the said other person who receives benefit
therefrom to reimburse the necessary expenses thus incurred.
第一百二十二条 因他人没有法律根据,取得不当利益,受损失的人有权请求其返还不当利益。
Article 122
Where a person obtains unjust interests at the expense of another person’s loss
without a legal cause, the person thus harmed is entitled to request the
enriched person to make restitution.
第一百二十三条 民事主体依法享有知识产权。
Article 123
A person of the civil law enjoys intellectual property rights in accordance with
Intellectual property rights are the exclusive rights enjoyed by the right
holders in accordance with law over the following subject matters:
(1) works;
(2) inventions, new utility models, or appearance designs;
(3) trademarks;
(4) geographical indications;
(5) trade secrets;
(6) layout designs of integrated circuits;
(7) new plant varieties; and
(8) the other subject matters as provided by law.
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