horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第八十三条 营利法人的出资人不得滥用出资人权利损害法人或者其他出资人的利益;滥用出资人权利造成法人或者其他出资人损失的,应当依法承担民事责任。
Article 83
A capital contributor of a for-profit legal person may not abuse his rights as such to harm the interests of the legal person or any other capital contributor. A capital contributor abusing such rights and causing harm to the legal person or any other capital contributor shall bear civil liability in accordance with law.
A capital contributor of a for-profit legal person may not abuse the legal person’s independent status and his own limited liability status to harm the interests of the legal person’s creditors. A capital contributor abusing the legal person’s independent status or its own limited liability status to evade repayment of debts and thus severely harming the interests of the legal person’s creditors shall be jointly and severally liable for the legal person’s obligations.
  第八十四条 营利法人的控股出资人、实际控制人、董事、监事、高级管理人员不得利用其关联关系损害法人的利益;利用关联关系造成法人损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 84
The controlling capital contributors, actual controllers, directors, supervisors, and senior management officers of a for-profit legal person may not harm the legal person’s interests by taking advantage of any affiliated relations, and shall compensate for any loss thus caused to the legal person.
  第八十五条 营利法人的权力机构、执行机构作出决议的会议召集程序、表决方式违反法律、行政法规、法人章程,或者决议内容违反法人章程的,营利法人的出资人可以请求人民法院撤销该决议。但是,营利法人依据该决议与善意相对人形成的民事法律关系不受影响。
Article 85
A capital contributor of a for-profit legal person may request the people’s court to revoke a resolution which is made at a meeting of the governing body or executive body of the legal person if the procedure for convening the meeting or the voting method thereof is in violation of the laws, administrative regulations, or the legal person’s articles of association, or, if the content of the resolution violates the articles of association. Provided, however, that any civil juristic relationship already formed between the legal person and a bona fide counterparty based on such a resolution may not be affected.
  第八十六条 营利法人从事经营活动,应当遵守商业道德,维护交易安全,接受政府和社会的监督,承担社会责任。
Article 86
A for-profit legal person shall, when engaging in operational activities, observe commercial ethics, maintain the security of transactions, subject itself to the supervision of the government and the public, and assume social responsibilities.


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