horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第七十九条 设立营利法人应当依法制定法人章程。
Article 79
To establish a for-profit legal person, there shall be articles of association formulated in accordance with law.
  第八十条 营利法人应当设权力机构。
Article 80
A for-profit legal person shall establish a governing body.
The governing body has the authority to revise the articles of association of the legal person, elect or replace members of the executive or supervisory body, and perform other responsibilities stipulated in the articles of association.
  第八十一条 营利法人应当设执行机构。
Article 81
A for-profit legal person shall establish an executive body.
The executive body has the authority to convene meetings of the governing body, decide on business and investment plans, establish internal management structure, and perform other responsibilities stipulated in the articles of association of the legal person.
Where the executive body of a legal person is the board of directors or the executive director, the legal representative shall be the chairman of the board of directors, the executive director, or the manager, as is stipulated in the articles of association. Where there is no board of directors or executive director established, the person with the principal responsibilities as stipulated in the articles of association shall be the executive body and the legal representative of the legal person.
  第八十二条 营利法人设监事会或者监事等监督机构的,监督机构依法行使检查法人财务,监督执行机构成员、高级管理人员执行法人职务的行为,以及法人章程规定的其他职权。
Article 82
Where a for-profit legal person establishes a supervisory body such as a board of supervisors or a supervisor, the supervisory body has, in accordance with law, the authority to inspect the financial matters of the legal person, supervise the performance of duty by the members of the executive body and the senior management officers of the legal person, and perform other responsibilities stipulated in the articles of association.


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