第三节 非营利法人
Section 3
Non-profit Legal Persons
第八十七条 为公益目的或者其他非营利目的成立,不向出资人、设立人或者会员分配所取得利润的法人,为非营利法人。
Article 87
A non-profit legal person is a legal person established for public welfare or
other non-profit purposes which may not distribute any profit to its capital
contributors, incorporators, or members.
Non-profit legal persons include public institutions, social organizations,
foundations, social service institutions, and the like.
第八十八条 具备法人条件,为适应经济社会发展需要,提供公益服务设立的事业单位,经依法登记成立,取得事业单位法人资格;依法不需要办理法人登记的,从成立之日起,具有事业单位法人资格。
Article 88
A public institution established for the purpose of providing public services to
meet the needs for economic and social development attains the status of a
public-institution legal person if it satisfies the requirements for being a
legal person and is legally registered as such; where the law does not require
such a public institution to be registered, it attains the status of a
public-institution legal person from the date of its establishment.
第八十九条 事业单位法人设理事会的,除法律另有规定外,理事会为其决策机构。事业单位法人的法定代表人依照法律、行政法规或者法人章程的规定产生。
Article 89
Where a public-institution legal person establishes a council, the council is
its decision-making body unless otherwise provided by law. The legal
representative of a public-institution legal person is elected in accordance
with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations, or the legal person’s
articles of association.
第九十条 具备法人条件,基于会员共同意愿,为公益目的或者会员共同利益等非营利目的设立的社会团体,经依法登记成立,取得社会团体法人资格;依法不需要办理法人登记的,从成立之日起,具有社会团体法人资格。
Article 90
A social organization established upon the common will of its members for a
non-profit purpose, such as public welfare or the common interest of all
members, attains the status of a social-organization legal person if it
satisfies the requirements for being a legal person and is legally registered as
such. Where the law does not require such a social organization to be
registered, it attains the status of a social-organization legal person from the
date of its establishment.
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