horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

    第四十二条 失踪人的财产由其配偶、成年子女、父母或者其他愿意担任财产代管人的人代管。
Article 42
A missing person’s property shall be placed in the custody of his spouse, adult children, parents, or any other person willing to take such custody.
Where a dispute arises over the custody of a missing person’s property, or the persons provided in the preceding paragraph are unavailable or incompetent for such a purpose, the property shall be placed in the custody of a person appointed by the people’s court.
  第四十三条 财产代管人应当妥善管理失踪人的财产,维护其财产权益。
Article 43
A custodian shall properly manage the missing person’s property and safeguard his proprietary interests.
The taxes, debts, and other due payment obligations owed by a missing person, if any, shall be paid by the custodian out of the missing person’s property.
A custodian who, intentionally or due to gross negligence, causes damage to the property of the missing person shall be liable for compensation.
  第四十四条 财产代管人不履行代管职责、侵害失踪人财产权益或者丧失代管能力的,失踪人的利害关系人可以向人民法院申请变更财产代管人。
Article 44
Where a custodian fails to perform his duties of custodian, infringes upon the proprietary rights or interests of the missing person, or if the custodian becomes incompetent to be a custodian, an interested person of the missing person may request the people’s court to replace the custodian.
A custodian may, with just cause, request the people’s court to appoint a new custodian to replace himself.
Where the people’s court appoints a new custodian, the new custodian is entitled to request the former custodian to deliver the relevant property and a property management report in a timely manner.


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场地推广 虚位以待 常年法律顾问:何止是企业的保健医生