第四章 肖像权
Chapter IV
Rights to Likeness
第一千零一十八条 自然人享有肖像权,有权依法制作、使用、公开或者许可他人使用自己的肖像。
Article 1018
A natural person enjoys the right to likeness and is entitled to make, use,
publicize, or authorize others to use his image in accordance with law.
The likeness is an external image of a specific natural person reflected in
video recordings, sculptures, drawings, or on other media by which the person
can be identified.
第一千零一十九条 任何组织或者个人不得以丑化、污损,或者利用信息技术手段伪造等方式侵害他人的肖像权。未经肖像权人同意,不得制作、使用、公开肖像权人的肖像,但是法律另有规定的除外。
Article 1019
No organization or individual may infringe upon other’s rights to likeness by
vilifying or defacing the image thereof, or through other ways such as
falsifying other’s image by utilizing information technology. Unless otherwise
provided by law, no one may make, use, or publicize the image of the right
holder without his consent.
Without the consent of the person holding the right to likeness, a person
holding a right in the works of the image of the former person may not use or
publicize the said image by ways such as publishing, duplicating, distributing,
leasing, or exhibiting it.
第一千零二十条 合理实施下列行为的,可以不经肖像权人同意:
Article 1020
The following acts, if done in a reasonable way, may be performed without the
consent of the person holding the right to likeness:
(1) using a publicly available image of the person holding the right to likeness
to the extent necessary for personal study, art appreciation, classroom
teaching, or scientific research;
(2) making, using, or publicizing an image of the person holding the right to
likeness, which is inevitable for conducting news reporting;
(3) making, using, or publicizing an image of the person holding the right to
likeness to the extent necessary for a State organ to perform its
responsibilities in accordance with law;
(4) making, using, or publicizing an image of the person holding the right to
likeness, which is inevitable for demonstrating a specific public environment;
(5) performing other acts of making, using, or publicizing an image of the
person holding the right to likeness for protecting the public interests and the
lawful rights and interests of the said person.
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