horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第一千零一十五条 自然人应当随父姓或者母姓,但是有下列情形之一的,可以在父姓和母姓之外选取姓氏:
Article 1015
A natural person shall take the surname of either his father or mother, and may take a surname other than his father’s or mother’s in any of the following situations:

(1) taking the surname of a senior lineal relative by blood;
(2) taking the surname of a foster parent, other than the legal care provider, who provides care to him; and
(3) taking a surname with other legitimate reasons that do not offend public order or good morals.
Natural persons of ethnic minorities may take a surname in compliance with their cultural traditions and local customs.
  第一千零一十六条 自然人决定、变更姓名,或者法人、非法人组织决定、变更、转让名称的,应当依法向有关机关办理登记手续,但是法律另有规定的除外。
Article 1016
A natural person who decides to take or change his name, or a legal person or an unincorporated organization who decides to take, change, or transfer its entity name, shall file registration with the relevant authorities in accordance with law, unless otherwise provided by law.
For a person of the civil law who changes the name or entity name, the civil juristic acts performed by the person before the name change is legally binding on the person.
  第一千零一十七条 具有一定社会知名度,被他人使用足以造成公众混淆的笔名、艺名、网名、译名、字号、姓名和名称的简称等,参照适用姓名权和名称权保护的有关规定。
Article 1017
With regard to a pseudonym, stage name, screen name, translated name, trade name, abbreviation of a name or entity name of a social popularity, where the use of which by others will suffice to cause public confusion, the relevant provisions on protection of the rights to name and the rights to entity name shall be applied mutatis mutandis.


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场地推广 虚位以待 常年法律顾问:何止是企业的保健医生