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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第九百九十五条 人格权受到侵害的,受害人有权依照本法和其他法律的规定请求行为人承担民事责任。受害人的停止侵害、排除妨碍、消除危险、消除影响、恢复名誉、赔礼道歉请求权,不适用诉讼时效的规定。
Article 995
A person whose personality rights are infringed upon has the right to request the actor to bear civil liability in accordance with the provisions of this Code and the other laws. Where a person exercises his right to request the actor to stop the infringement, remove the nuisance, eliminate the danger, eliminate the adverse effects, rehabilitate his reputation, or extend apologies, the provisions on limitation periods do not apply.

  第九百九十六条 因当事人一方的违约行为,损害对方人格权并造成严重精神损害,受损害方选择请求其承担违约责任的,不影响受损害方请求精神损害赔偿。
Article 996
Where the personality rights of a party are harmed by the other party’s breach of contract and the injured party thus suffers severe mental distress, if the injured party elects to request the other party to bear liability based on breach of contract, his right to claim for compensation for mental distress is not affected.

  第九百九十七条 民事主体有证据证明行为人正在实施或者即将实施侵害其人格权的违法行为,不及时制止将使其合法权益受到难以弥补的损害的,有权依法向人民法院申请采取责令行为人停止有关行为的措施。
Article 997
Where a person of the civil law has evidence to prove that an actor is committing or is about to commit an illegal act that infringes upon his personality rights, and that failure to timely stop the act will cause irreparable harm to his lawful rights and interests, the person has the right, in accordance with law, to request the people’s court to order the actor to stop the act.

  第九百九十八条 认定行为人承担侵害除生命权、身体权和健康权外的人格权的民事责任,应当考虑行为人和受害人的职业、影响范围、过错程度,以及行为的目的、方式、后果等因素。
Article 998
In determining the civil liability an actor is to bear for infringing upon other’s personality rights, other than the right to life, the right to corporeal integrity, or the right to health, consideration shall be given to the occupations of the actor and the injured person, the scope of impact of the act, the degree of fault, as well as the factors such as the purposes, methods, and consequences of the act.


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