第九百九十一条 民事主体的人格权受法律保护,任何组织或者个人不得侵害。
Article 991
The personality rights of persons of the civil law are protected by law and free
from infringement by any organization or individual.
第九百九十二条 人格权不得放弃、转让或者继承。
Article 992
Personality rights may not be waived, transferred, or inherited.
第九百九十三条 民事主体可以将自己的姓名、名称、肖像等许可他人使用,但是依照法律规定或者根据其性质不得许可的除外。
Article 993
The name, entity name, likeness, or the like of a person of the civil law may be
used by others upon authorization, unless the authorization of use is not
allowed by law or based on the nature of the right.
第九百九十四条 死者的姓名、肖像、名誉、荣誉、隐私、遗体等受到侵害的,其配偶、子女、父母有权依法请求行为人承担民事责任;死者没有配偶、子女且父母已经死亡的,其他近亲属有权依法请求行为人承担民事责任。
Article 994
Where the name, likeness, reputation, honor, privacy, remains, or the like of
the deceased is harmed, the spouse, children, and parents of the deceased have
the right to request the actor to bear civil liability in accordance with law.
Where the deceased has no spouse or children, and the parents of the deceased
have already died, other close relatives of the deceased have the right to
request the actor to bear civil liability in accordance with law.
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