horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第九百六十三条 中介人促成合同成立的,委托人应当按照约定支付报酬。对中介人的报酬没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,根据中介人的劳务合理确定。因中介人提供订立合同的媒介服务而促成合同成立的,由该合同的当事人平均负担中介人的报酬。
Article 963
Where a middleman contributes to the conclusion of a contract, the client shall pay remuneration in accordance with the agreement. Where there is no agreement between the parties on the remuneration for the middleman or the relevant agreement is unclear, if it cannot be determined according to the provisions of Article 510 of this Code, the remuneration shall be reasonably determined in accordance with the middleman’s services. Where the intermediary services provided by the middleman facilitate the conclusion of a contract, the parties to the said contract shall equally share the disbursement of the remuneration to the middleman.


In facilitating the conclusion of a contract, the expenses incurred in the intermediary activities shall be borne by the middleman.

  第九百六十四条 中介人未促成合同成立的,不得请求支付报酬;但是,可以按照约定请求委托人支付从事中介活动支出的必要费用。

Article 964
A middleman who fails to facilitate the conclusion of a contract may not request the payment of remuneration, but may request the client to pay for the necessary expenses incurred in the intermediary activities in accordance with the agreement.

  第九百六十五条 委托人在接受中介人的服务后,利用中介人提供的交易机会或者媒介服务,绕开中介人直接订立合同的,应当向中介人支付报酬。

Article 965
Where a client, after accepting the services of the middleman, uses the trading opportunity or intermediary services provided by the middleman to bypass the middleman and directly concludes a contract with another person, the client shall pay remuneration to the middleman.

  第九百六十六条 本章没有规定的,参照适用委托合同的有关规定。
Article 966
For matters not provided in this Chapter, the relevant provisions on entrustment contracts shall be applied mutatis mutandis.


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