horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第九百五十九条 行纪人完成或者部分完成委托事务的,委托人应当向其支付相应的报酬。委托人逾期不支付报酬的,行纪人对委托物享有留置权,但是当事人另有约定的除外。

Article 959
Where a broker has accomplished the entrusted matter in full or in part, the client shall pay remuneration accordingly. Where a client fails to pay remuneration as scheduled, the broker has the right to retain the commissioned article under a lien unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

  第九百六十条 本章没有规定的,参照适用委托合同的有关规定。

Article 960
For matters not provided in this Chapter, the relevant provisions on entrustment contracts shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

  第二十六章 中介合同

Chapter XXVI
Intermediary Contracts

  第九百六十一条 中介合同是中介人向委托人报告订立合同的机会或者提供订立合同的媒介服务,委托人支付报酬的合同。

Article 961
An intermediary contract is a contract under which a middleman reports to the client the opportunity for concluding a contract or provides intermediary services for the conclusion of a contract, for which the client pays remuneration.

  第九百六十二条 中介人应当就有关订立合同的事项向委托人如实报告。
Article 962
The middleman shall truthfully report to the client matters related to the conclusion of the contract.


Where a middleman intentionally conceals important facts in relation to the conclusion of the contract or provides untrue information thereof, thus harming the interests of the client, he may not request for remuneration and shall bear the liability for compensation.


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