第八百五十二条 委托开发合同的委托人应当按照约定支付研究开发经费和报酬,提供技术资料,提出研究开发要求,完成协作事项,接受研究开发成果。
Article 852
A client of a commissioned development contract shall pay for the research and
development fees and the remunerations in accordance with the agreement, provide
technological materials, make proposals for research and development, complete
his tasks in the cooperative work, and accept the work product of the research
and development.
第八百五十三条 委托开发合同的研究开发人应当按照约定制定和实施研究开发计划,合理使用研究开发经费,按期完成研究开发工作,交付研究开发成果,提供有关的技术资料和必要的技术指导,帮助委托人掌握研究开发成果。
Article 853
A researcher-developer of a commissioned development contract shall work out and
implement a research and development plan in accordance with the contract, make
reasonable use of the research and development funds, complete the research and
development work as scheduled, deliver the work product of research and
development, provide relevant technological materials and necessary
technological guidance so as to help the client comprehend the work product of
the research and development.
第八百五十四条 委托开发合同的当事人违反约定造成研究开发工作停滞、延误或者失败的,应当承担违约责任。
Article 854
Where a party to a commissioned development contract defaults, thus causing the
stoppage, delay, or failure of the research and development work, the party
shall bear default liability.
第八百五十五条 合作开发合同的当事人应当按照约定进行投资,包括以技术进行投资,分工参与研究开发工作,协作配合研究开发工作。
Article 855
The parties to a cooperative development contract shall make investments in a
form agreed by the parties, including contribution of the technology in
investment, participation in the research and development work by performing
their respective duties, and cooperation in the research and development.
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