horizontal rule


中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第八百四十八条 非职务技术成果的使用权、转让权属于完成技术成果的个人,完成技术成果的个人可以就该项非职务技术成果订立技术合同。
Article 848
The right to use or transfer a technological work product other than a work for hire belongs to its creator who may conclude a technology contract on such work product.

  第八百四十九条 完成技术成果的个人享有在有关技术成果文件上写明自己是技术成果完成者的权利和取得荣誉证书、奖励的权利。
Article 849
An individual person who has accomplished a technological work product has the right to indicate on the relevant documents of the technological work product that he is the creator thereof, and to receive certificate of honor and rewards.
  第八百五十条 非法垄断技术或者侵害他人技术成果的技术合同无效。
Article 850
A technology contract that illegally monopolies technologies or infringes upon other’s technological work product is void.
  第二节 技术开发合同
Section 2
Technology Development Contracts
  第八百五十一条 技术开发合同是当事人之间就新技术、新产品、新工艺、新品种或者新材料及其系统的研究开发所订立的合同。
Article 851
A technology development contract is a contract concluded by the parties concerning the research and development of a new technology, product, technique, variety, or material, as well as the system thereof.

Technology development contracts consist of commissioned development contracts and cooperative development contracts.
A technology development contract shall be in writing.
The relevant provisions on the technology development contracts shall be applied mutatis mutandis to a contract concluded by the parties on the application and transformation of a technological product with a value for practical use.


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