horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第八百三十四条 两个以上承运人以同一运输方式联运的,与托运人订立合同的承运人应当对全程运输承担责任;损失发生在某一运输区段的,与托运人订立合同的承运人和该区段的承运人承担连带责任。

Article 834
Where two or more carriers engage in a connected transport of the same mode, the carrier who concludes the contract with the consignor shall be responsible for the entire transport. If a loss occurs at one section of the transportation, the carrier who concludes the contract with the consignor and the carrier in the said section shall assume joint and several liability.

  第八百三十五条 货物在运输过程中因不可抗力灭失,未收取运费的,承运人不得请求支付运费;已经收取运费的,托运人可以请求返还。法律另有规定的,依照其规定。

Article 835
Where the goods are lost in the course of transport due to force majeure, unless otherwise provided by law, the carrier may not request the payment of the freight if the freight has not yet been paid, and the consignor may request for a refund if the freight has already been paid.

  第八百三十六条 托运人或者收货人不支付运费、保管费或者其他费用的,承运人对相应的运输货物享有留置权,但是当事人另有约定的除外。

Article 836
If a consignor or consignee fails to pay freight, storage fee, or other expenses, the carrier has the right to retain the goods under a lien, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.

  第八百三十七条 收货人不明或者收货人无正当理由拒绝受领货物的,承运人依法可以提存货物。

Article 837
Where a consignee is unknown or the consignee refuses to take delivery of the goods without just cause, the carrier may have the goods placed in escrow in accordance with law.


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