第八百二十九条 在承运人将货物交付收货人之前,托运人可以要求承运人中止运输、返还货物、变更到达地或者将货物交给其他收货人,但是应当赔偿承运人因此受到的损失。
Article 829
Before a carrier delivers the goods to the consignee, the consignor may ask the
carrier to stop transportation, return the goods, change the place of
destination, or deliver the goods to another consignee, provided that the
consignor shall compensate for the losses thus caused to the carrier.
第八百三十条 货物运输到达后,承运人知道收货人的,应当及时通知收货人,收货人应当及时提货。收货人逾期提货的,应当向承运人支付保管费等费用。
Article 830
After the goods are transported to the place of destination, where the carrier
knows who is the consignee, the carrier shall promptly notify the consignee and
the consignee shall promptly take delivery of the goods. Where the consignee
delays in taking delivery of the goods, the consignee shall pay the storage and
other fees to the carrier.
第八百三十一条 收货人提货时应当按照约定的期限检验货物。对检验货物的期限没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,应当在合理期限内检验货物。收货人在约定的期限或者合理期限内对货物的数量、毁损等未提出异议的,视为承运人已经按照运输单证的记载交付的初步证据。
Article 831
Upon taking delivery of the goods, a consignee shall inspect the goods within
the time limit as agreed by the parties. Where there is no agreement between the
parties on the time limit for inspection of the goods or the relevant agreement
is unclear, if it cannot be determined according to the provisions of Article
510 of this Code, the consignee shall inspect the goods within a reasonable
period of time. Where the consignee does not raise any objection on the
quantity, destruction, damage, or loss of the goods within the agreed time limit
or a reasonable period of time, the silence is deemed as preliminary evidence
that the carrier has delivered the goods in accordance with the transport
第八百三十二条 承运人对运输过程中货物的毁损、灭失承担赔偿责任。但是,承运人证明货物的毁损、灭失是因不可抗力、货物本身的自然性质或者合理损耗以及托运人、收货人的过错造成的,不承担赔偿责任。
Article 832
A carrier shall bear the liability for compensation for any destruction, damage,
or loss of the goods occurring in the course of transport. Provided, however,
that the carrier does not bear the liability for compensation if the carrier
proves that the destruction, damage, or loss of the goods is caused by force
majeure, the inherent nature of the goods, or reasonable wear and tear, or is
caused by the negligence of the consignor or the consignee.
第八百三十三条 货物的毁损、灭失的赔偿额,当事人有约定的,按照其约定;没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,按照交付或者应当交付时货物到达地的市场价格计算。法律、行政法规对赔偿额的计算方法和赔偿限额另有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 833
The amount of compensation for the destruction, damage, or loss of the goods
shall be in accordance with the agreement between the parties if there is such
an agreement. Where the agreement on the amount of compensation is unclear, if
it cannot be determined according to the provisions of Article 510 of this Code,
the amount of compensation shall be calculated based on the market price of the
goods at the place of delivery at the time when the goods are delivered or
should have been delivered. If there are laws or administrative regulations
providing otherwise concerning the calculation method and the limit of the
compensation amount, such provisions shall be followed.
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