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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第七百七十五条 定作人提供材料的,应当按照约定提供材料。承揽人对定作人提供的材料应当及时检验,发现不符合约定时,应当及时通知定作人更换、补齐或者采取其他补救措施。
Article 775
Where a client is to provide the materials, he shall provide the materials in accordance with the agreement. The contractor shall promptly inspect the materials provided by the client, and, if any inconformity is found, the contractor shall promptly request the client to make replacement, make up the shortage, or take other remedial measures.

Without the consent of the client, a contractor may not replace the materials provided by the client nor replace the accessories and parts which do not need repair.
  第七百七十六条 承揽人发现定作人提供的图纸或者技术要求不合理的,应当及时通知定作人。因定作人怠于答复等原因造成承揽人损失的,应当赔偿损失。
Article 776
A contractor shall promptly notify the client if he finds that the drawings or technical requirements provided by the client are unreasonable. Where losses are caused to the contractor due to the client’s indolence in responding or the like reasons, the client shall bear the liability for compensation.
  第七百七十七条 定作人中途变更承揽工作的要求,造成承揽人损失的,应当赔偿损失。
Article 777
Where, in the course of performing a work contract, the client changes his requirements, thus causing losses to the contractor, the client shall bear liability for compensation.
  第七百七十八条 承揽工作需要定作人协助的,定作人有协助的义务。定作人不履行协助义务致使承揽工作不能完成的,承揽人可以催告定作人在合理期限内履行义务,并可以顺延履行期限;定作人逾期不履行的,承揽人可以解除合同。
Article 778
Where a contracted work requires assistance from the client, the client has the obligation to provide such assistance. Where the client fails to perform such obligation, thus making the completion of the contracted work impossible, the contractor may demand him to perform his obligation within a reasonable period of time, and may also extend the period of performance accordingly. If the client still fails to fulfill his obligation within the extended period, the contractor may rescind the contract.


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