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中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

  第十七章 承揽合同
Chapter XVII
Work Contracts
Article 770
A work contract is a contract under which a contractor, in accordance with the requirements of a client, completes a work and delivers the work product to the client who pays remuneration in return.
  第七百七十条 承揽合同是承揽人按照定作人的要求完成工作,交付工作成果,定作人支付报酬的合同。

A contracted work includes processing, manufacturing on order, repair, reproduction, testing, inspection, and the like.
  第七百七十一条 承揽合同的内容一般包括承揽的标的、数量、质量、报酬,承揽方式,材料的提供,履行期限,验收标准和方法等条款。
Article 771
A work contract generally contains clauses specifying the object, quantity, and quality of the work, remuneration of the work, the mode of the work, supply of materials, the period of performance, the standard and method of inspection, and the like.
  第七百七十二条 承揽人应当以自己的设备、技术和劳力,完成主要工作,但是当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 772
A contractor shall complete the principal part of the work with his own equipment, technology, and labor force, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
Where a contractor entrusts the major part of the contracted work with a third person, the contractor shall be accountable to his client concerning the work completed by the third person and the client may rescind the contract if he has not consented thereto.
  第七百七十三条 承揽人可以将其承揽的辅助工作交由第三人完成。承揽人将其承揽的辅助工作交由第三人完成的,应当就该第三人完成的工作成果向定作人负责。
Article 773
A contractor may entrust the accessory part of the contracted work with a third person. Where a contractor entrusts an accessory part of the contracted work to a third person, the contractor shall be accountable to the client concerning the work product completed by the third person.
  第七百七十四条 承揽人提供材料的,应当按照约定选用材料,并接受定作人检验。
Article 774
Where a contractor is to provide the materials, he shall select and use the materials in accordance with the agreement and accept the client’s inspection.


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