horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

 第七百零九条 承租人应当按照约定的方法使用租赁物。对租赁物的使用方法没有约定或者约定不明确,依据本法第五百一十条的规定仍不能确定的,应当根据租赁物的性质使用。
Article 709
A lessee shall use the leased object in a manner as agreed by the parties. Where there is no agreement between the parties on the manner of use or the relevant agreement is unclear, if it cannot be determined according to the provisions of Article 510 of this Code, the leased object shall be used in line with its nature.

  第七百一十条 承租人按照约定的方法或者根据租赁物的性质使用租赁物,致使租赁物受到损耗的,不承担赔偿责任。
Article 710
Where a lessee uses the leased object in a manner as agreed by the parties or in line with its nature, he is not liable for the wear and tear on the leased object.
  第七百一十一条 承租人未按照约定的方法或者未根据租赁物的性质使用租赁物,致使租赁物受到损失的,出租人可以解除合同并请求赔偿损失。
Article 711
Where a lessee fails to use the leased object in a manner as agreed by the parties or in line with its nature, thus causing damage to the leased object, the lessor may rescind the contract and request for compensation.

  第七百一十二条 出租人应当履行租赁物的维修义务,但是当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 712
A lessor shall perform the duty of maintaining the leased object, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.


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