第七百零五条 租赁期限不得超过二十年。超过二十年的,超过部分无效。
Article 705
The term of a lease may not exceed twenty years. If a lease exceeds twenty
years, the part beyond twenty years is void.
Upon expiration of the term of the lease, the parties may renew the lease
contract, provided that the renewed term of the lease agreed by the parties may
not exceed twenty years from the date of renewal.
第七百零六条 当事人未依照法律、行政法规规定办理租赁合同登记备案手续的,不影响合同的效力。
Article 706
The parties’ failure to register the lease contract in accordance with the
provisions of laws or administrative regulations does not affect the validity of
the contract.
第七百零七条 租赁期限六个月以上的,应当采用书面形式。当事人未采用书面形式,无法确定租赁期限的,视为不定期租赁。
Article 707
A lease contract with a term exceeding six months shall be made in writing.
Where the lease contract between the parties is not in writing, if the term
cannot be determined, the lease shall be deemed as a lease with an indefinite
第七百零八条 出租人应当按照约定将租赁物交付承租人,并在租赁期限内保持租赁物符合约定的用途。
Article 708
A lessor shall deliver the leased object to the lessee in accordance with the
agreement and keep the leased object fit for the agreed use during the term of
the lease.
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