horizontal rule



中华人民共和国民法典上一条 中华人民共和国民法典目录

 第六百五十三条 因自然灾害等原因断电,供电人应当按照国家有关规定及时抢修;未及时抢修,造成用电人损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 653
A supplier of electricity shall rush to repair without delay in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State whenever the electricity supply is cut off due to such reasons as natural disasters. Where the supplier fails to do so and losses are thus caused to the consumer, the supplier shall bear the liability for compensation.
  第六百五十四条 用电人应当按照国家有关规定和当事人的约定及时支付电费。用电人逾期不支付电费的,应当按照约定支付违约金。经催告用电人在合理期限内仍不支付电费和违约金的,供电人可以按照国家规定的程序中止供电。
Article 654
A consumer of electricity shall pay the electricity fees in time in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State and the agreement between the parties. Where a consumer fails to make due payment for the electricity fees, he shall pay the agreed liquidated damages. Where a consumer, after being demanded, still fails to make due payment for the electricity fees and the liquidated damages within a reasonable period of time, the supplier may stop the supply of electricity in accordance with the procedures provided by the State.
Where a supplier stops the supply of electricity in accordance with the provision of the preceding paragraph, it shall notify the consumer in advance.
  第六百五十五条 用电人应当按照国家有关规定和当事人的约定安全、节约和计划用电。用电人未按照国家有关规定和当事人的约定用电,造成供电人损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 655
A consumer shall use the electricity in a safe, economical and planned manner in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State and the agreement between the parties. Where a consumer fails to use the electricity in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State or the agreement between the parties, and losses are thus caused to the supplier, the consumer shall bear the liability for compensation.
  第六百五十六条 供用水、供用气、供用热力合同,参照适用供用电合同的有关规定。
Article 656
The relevant provisions governing the contracts for the supply and consumption of electricity shall be applied mutatis mutandis to contracts for the supply and consumption of water, gas, or heat.


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