第六百四十九条 供用电合同的内容一般包括供电的方式、质量、时间,用电容量、地址、性质,计量方式,电价、电费的结算方式,供用电设施的维护责任等条款。
Article 649
A contract for the supply and consumption of electricity generally contains
clauses specifying the mode, quality and time of the supply, the volume, address
of the location, and nature of the consumption, the measuring method, the price,
the settlement method of electricity fees, the responsibility for the
maintenance of electricity supply and consumption facilities, and the like.
第六百五十条 供用电合同的履行地点,按照当事人约定;当事人没有约定或者约定不明确的,供电设施的产权分界处为履行地点。
Article 650
The place of performance of a contract for the supply and consumption of
electricity shall be agreed by the parties; if there is no agreement between the
parties or the relevant agreement is unclear, the place of demarcation of the
property rights in the electricity supply facilities is the place of
第六百五十一条 供电人应当按照国家规定的供电质量标准和约定安全供电。供电人未按照国家规定的供电质量标准和约定安全供电,造成用电人损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 651
A supplier of electricity shall safely supply electricity in accordance with the
quality standard for power supply set by the State and in the agreement. Where a
supplier fails to safely supply electricity in accordance with the quality
standard for power supply set by the State or in the agreement, thus causing
losses to the consumer, the supplier shall bear the liability for compensation.
第六百五十二条 供电人因供电设施计划检修、临时检修、依法限电或者用电人违法用电等原因,需要中断供电时,应当按照国家有关规定事先通知用电人;未事先通知用电人中断供电,造成用电人损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
Article 652
Where a supplier of electricity needs to cut off electricity supply due to
scheduled or unscheduled overhauls of the electricity supply facilities,
restriction on electricity consumption in accordance with law, or consumer’s
illegal consumption of the electricity, and the like, the consumer shall be
notified in advance in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.
Where a supplier cuts off the electricity supply without notifying the consumer
in advance, thus causing losses to the consumer, the supplier shall bear the
liability for compensation.
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