第五百五十八条 债权债务终止后,当事人应当遵循诚信等原则,根据交易习惯履行通知、协助、保密、旧物回收等义务。
Article 558
After the parties’ claims and obligations are terminated, the parties shall, in
compliance with the principle of good faith and the like, perform such
obligations as sending notification, rendering assistance, keeping
confidentiality, and recycling the used articles according to the course of
第五百五十九条 债权债务终止时,债权的从权利同时消灭,但是法律另有规定或者当事人另有约定的除外。
Article 559
Upon termination of a claim and an obligation, a right accessory to the claim is
extinguished concomitantly, unless otherwise provided by law or agreed by the
第五百六十条 债务人对同一债权人负担的数项债务种类相同,债务人的给付不足以清偿全部债务的,除当事人另有约定外,由债务人在清偿时指定其履行的债务。
Article 560
Where a debtor owes to a creditor multiple obligations of the same kind, and the
debtor’s payment is not sufficient to discharge all of the obligations, upon
making performance, the debtor shall designate which obligation is to be
discharged, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
Where the debtor fails to make such a designation, the obligation that has
become due shall be performed first. Where multiple obligations have become due,
the obligation not secured or with the least security shall be performed first.
Where none of the obligations are secured or the obligations are equally
secured, the obligation with which the debtor assumes the heaviest burden shall
be performed first. Where the burdens are the same, the obligations shall be
performed in the priority order of their due dates. Where the due dates are the
same, the obligations shall be performed on a pro rata basis.
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