第三百一十二条 所有权人或者其他权利人有权追回遗失物。该遗失物通过转让被他人占有的,权利人有权向无处分权人请求损害赔偿,或者自知道或者应当知道受让人之日起二年内向受让人请求返还原物;但是,受让人通过拍卖或者向具有经营资格的经营者购得该遗失物的,权利人请求返还原物时应当支付受让人所付的费用。权利人向受让人支付所付费用后,有权向无处分权人追偿。
Article 312
An owner or any other right holder has the right to recover a lost thing. Where
the lost thing is possessed by another person by way of transfer, the right
holder has the right to claim damages against the person who disposes of the
thing without the right to disposition, or to request the transferee to return
the original thing within two years from the date on which the right holder
knows or should have known of the transferee; provided, however, that where the
transferee has acquired the lost thing at auction or from a qualified business
operator, the right holder shall, at the time of requesting the return of the
original thing, reimburse the expenses that have been paid by the transferee.
The right holder has, after having reimbursed the expenses paid by the
transferee, the right to indemnification against the person who disposes of the
thing without the right to disposition.
第三百一十三条 善意受让人取得动产后,该动产上的原有权利消灭。但是,善意受让人在受让时知道或者应当知道该权利的除外。
Article 313
After a bona fide transferee acquires the movable property, the original rights
in the movable property is extinguished, unless the bona fide transferee knows
or should have known of such rights at the time of the transfer.
第三百一十四条 拾得遗失物,应当返还权利人。拾得人应当及时通知权利人领取,或者送交公安等有关部门。
Article 314
Where a lost thing is found, it shall be returned to its right holder. The
finder shall, in a timely manner, notify its right holder or hand it over to the
relevant departments such as the department for public security.
第三百一十五条 有关部门收到遗失物,知道权利人的,应当及时通知其领取;不知道的,应当及时发布招领公告。
Article 315
Where the relevant department receives a lost thing and knows who is its right
holder, the department shall, in a timely manner, notify him to collect the lost
thing; where the department does not know who is the right holder, it shall
issue a lost-and-found notice in a timely manner.
第三百一十六条 拾得人在遗失物送交有关部门前,有关部门在遗失物被领取前,应当妥善保管遗失物。因故意或者重大过失致使遗失物毁损、灭失的,应当承担民事责任。
Article 316
A finder shall well keep a lost thing before it is delivered to the relevant
department, and the relevant department shall well keep it before it is
collected. A person who, intentionally or by gross negligence, causes the lost
thing under his custody destructed, damaged, or lost shall bear civil liability.
第三百一十七条 权利人领取遗失物时,应当向拾得人或者有关部门支付保管遗失物等支出的必要费用。
Article 317
The right holder of a lost thing shall, at the time of collecting it, pay to the
finder or the relevant department the necessary expenses, such as the expense
for safekeeping the lost thing.
Where a right holder has offered a reward for finding the lost thing, he shall,
at the time of collecting the lost thing, perform his obligations as promised.
Where a finder misappropriates the lost thing, he is neither entitled to request
reimbursement of expenses such as the expense for safekeeping the lost thing,
nor entitled to request the right holder to perform the obligations as promised.
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