第二百八十三条 建筑物及其附属设施的费用分摊、收益分配等事项,有约定的,按照约定;没有约定或者约定不明确的,按照业主专有部分面积所占比例确定。
Article 283
Where there is an agreement on matters such as allocation of expenses on and
distribution of income gained from a building and its auxiliary facilities, such
matters shall be determined in accordance with the agreement; where there is no
agreement or the relevant agreement is unclear, such matters shall be determined
in proportion to the area of each unit owner’s exclusive unit to the total area.
第二百八十四条 业主可以自行管理建筑物及其附属设施,也可以委托物业服务企业或者其他管理人管理。
Article 284
The unit owners may either manage the buildings and the auxiliary facilities on
their own, or entrust a property management service enterprise or another
manager for such a purpose.
The unit owners have the right to replace, in accordance with law, the property
management service enterprise or the other managers employed by the developer.
第二百八十五条 物业服务企业或者其他管理人根据业主的委托,依照本法第三编有关物业服务合同的规定管理建筑区划内的建筑物及其附属设施,接受业主的监督,并及时答复业主对物业服务情况提出的询问。
Article 285
The property management service enterprise or otherwise a manager shall, as
entrusted by the unit owners, manage the buildings and their auxiliary
facilities within the construction zone in accordance with the provisions of
Book Three of this Code relating to contracts for property management service,
subject itself to the supervision of the unit owners, and respond to the unit
owners’ inquiries about property management services in a timely manner.
The property management service enterprise or other managers shall carry out
emergency measures and other management measures implemented by the government
in accordance with law and actively cooperate in the performance of the relevant
第二百八十六条 业主应当遵守法律、法规以及管理规约,相关行为应当符合节约资源、保护生态环境的要求。对于物业服务企业或者其他管理人执行政府依法实施的应急处置措施和其他管理措施,业主应当依法予以配合。
Article 286
The unit owners shall abide by laws, regulations, and the covenants on
management, and their relevant acts shall meet the requirements of conserving
resources and protecting the ecological environment. With respect to the
emergency measures and other management measures implemented by the government
in accordance with law that are carried out by the property management service
enterprise or other managers, the unit owners shall, in accordance with law, be
With respect to an act impairing the lawful rights and interests of others, such
as arbitrarily discarding garbage, discharging pollutants or noises, feeding and
keeping animals in violation of the regulations, constructing structures against
rules and regulations, encroaching on passages, and refusing to pay property
management fees, the owners’ assembly or the owners’ committee has the right to
request the actor to discontinue such infringements, remove the nuisance,
eliminate the danger, restore to the original condition, and compensate for the
losses thus caused.
Where a unit owner or an actor refuses to perform the relevant duties, the party
concerned may make a report to, or lodge a complaint with the competent
administrative department, which shall handle the case in accordance with law.
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