第二百七十九条 业主不得违反法律、法规以及管理规约,将住宅改变为经营性用房。业主将住宅改变为经营性用房的,除遵守法律、法规以及管理规约外,应当经有利害关系的业主一致同意。
Article 279
No unit owner may turn a dwelling space into a space used for operating
businesses in violation of laws, regulations, or the covenants on management. A
unit owner who intends to turn a dwelling space into a space used for operating
businesses shall, in addition to abiding by laws, regulations, and the covenants
on management, obtain unanimous consent from all interested unit owners.
第二百八十条 业主大会或者业主委员会的决定,对业主具有法律约束力。
Article 280
Decisions of the owners’ assembly or the owners’ committee are legally binding
on unit owners.
Where a decision made by the owners’ assembly or the owners’ committee infringes
upon the lawful rights and interests of a unit owner, the infringed owner may
request the people’s court to revoke it.
第二百八十一条 建筑物及其附属设施的维修资金,属于业主共有。经业主共同决定,可以用于电梯、屋顶、外墙、无障碍设施等共有部分的维修、更新和改造。建筑物及其附属设施的维修资金的筹集、使用情况应当定期公布。
Article 281
The maintenance funds for buildings and their auxiliary facilities are co-owned
by the unit owners. The funds may, upon joint decision of the unit owners, be
used for the maintenance, renewal, and renovation of the co-owned spaces, such
as elevators, roofs, exterior walls, and barrier-free facilities. Information on
raising and using the maintenance funds for buildings and their auxiliary
facilities shall be publicized on a regular basis.
Where a building and its auxiliary facilities need to be maintained in an
emergency situation, the owners’ assembly or the owners’ committee may, in
accordance with law, apply for the use of the maintenance funds for the building
and its auxiliary facilities.
第二百八十二条 建设单位、物业服务企业或者其他管理人等利用业主的共有部分产生的收入,在扣除合理成本之后,属于业主共有。
Article 282
The income generated from the space co-owned by the unit owners that is received
by the developer, the property management service enterprise, or other managers
is co-owned by all unit owners after reasonable costs are deducted.
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