第一百五十五条 无效的或者被撤销的民事法律行为自始没有法律约束力。
Article 155
A void or revoked civil juristic act does not have any legal force ab initio.
第一百五十六条 民事法律行为部分无效,不影响其他部分效力的,其他部分仍然有效。
Article 156
If invalidation of a part of a civil juristic act does not affect the validity
of the other part, the other part of the act remains valid.
第一百五十七条 民事法律行为无效、被撤销或者确定不发生效力后,行为人因该行为取得的财产,应当予以返还;不能返还或者没有必要返还的,应当折价补偿。有过错的一方应当赔偿对方由此所受到的损失;各方都有过错的,应当各自承担相应的责任。法律另有规定的,依照其规定。
Article 157
Where a civil juristic act is void, revoked, or is determined to have no legal
effect, the property thus obtained by a person as a result of the act shall be
returned, or compensation be made based on the appraised value of the property
if it is impossible or meaningless to return the property. Unless otherwise
provided by law, the loss thus incurred upon the other party shall be
compensated by the party at fault, or, if both parties are at fault, by the
parties proportionally.
第四节 民事法律行为的附条件和附期限
Section 4
A Civil Juristic Act Subject to a Condition or a Term
第一百五十八条 民事法律行为可以附条件,但是根据其性质不得附条件的除外。附生效条件的民事法律行为,自条件成就时生效。附解除条件的民事法律行为,自条件成就时失效。
Article 158
A condition may be attached to a civil juristic act unless the nature of the act
denies such an attachment. A civil juristic act subject to a condition precedent
becomes effective when the condition is fulfilled. A civil juristic act subject
to a condition subsequent becomes invalid when the condition is fulfilled.
第一百五十九条 附条件的民事法律行为,当事人为自己的利益不正当地阻止条件成就的,视为条件已经成就;不正当地促成条件成就的,视为条件不成就。
Article 159
Where a condition is attached to a civil juristic act, if a party, for the sake
of its own interests, improperly obstructs the fulfillment of the condition, the
condition is deemed as having been fulfilled; if a party improperly facilitates
the fulfillment of the condition, the condition is deemed as not having been
第一百六十条 民事法律行为可以附期限,但是根据其性质不得附期限的除外。附生效期限的民事法律行为,自期限届至时生效。附终止期限的民事法律行为,自期限届满时失效。
Article 160
A term may be attached to a civil juristic act, unless the nature of such act
denies such an attachment. A civil juristic act subject to a term of
effectiveness becomes effective when the term begins. A civil juristic act
subject to a term of termination becomes ineffective upon expiration of the
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