第一百五十二条 有下列情形之一的,撤销权消灭:
Article 152
A party’s right to revoke a civil juristic act is extinguished under any of the
following circumstances:
(1) the party has failed to exercise the right to revocation within one year
the date when it knows or should have known of the cause for revocation, or
within 90 days from the date when the party who has performed the act with
serious misunderstanding knows or should have known of the cause for revocation;
(2) the party acting under duress has failed to exercise the right to revocation
within one year from the date when the duress ceases; or
(3) the party who becomes aware of the cause for revocation waives the right to
revocation expressly or through its own conduct.
The right to revocation is extinguished if the party fails to exercise it within
five years from the date when the civil juristic act has been performed.
第一百五十三条 违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定的民事法律行为无效。但是,该强制性规定不导致该民事法律行为无效的除外。
Article 153
A civil juristic act in violation of the mandatory provisions of laws or
administrative regulations is void, unless such mandatory provisions do not lead
to invalidity of such a civil juristic act.
A civil juristic act that offends the public order and good morals is void.
第一百五十四条 行为人与相对人恶意串通,损害他人合法权益的民事法律行为无效。
Article 154
A civil juristic act is void if it is conducted through malicious collusion
between the actor and a counterparty and thus harms the lawful rights and
interests of another person.
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