第七十一条 法人的清算程序和清算组职权,依照有关法律的规定;没有规定的,参照适用公司法律的有关规定。
Article 71
The procedure for liquidating a legal person and the authorities of a
liquidation committee shall be in compliance with the provisions of relevant
laws; in the absence of such a provision, the relevant rules provided in
corporate laws shall be applied mutatis mutandis.
第七十二条 清算期间法人存续,但是不得从事与清算无关的活动。
Article 72
During the period of liquidation, a legal person continues to exist but may not
engage in any activity unrelated to the liquidation.
Unless otherwise provided by law, upon completion of the liquidation, any
residual assets of a liquidated legal person shall be distributed in accordance
with its articles of association or the resolution made by its governing body.
A legal person is terminated after liquidation and de-registration is completed;
a legal person that is not required by law to be registered is terminated upon
completion of the liquidation.
第七十三条 法人被宣告破产的,依法进行破产清算并完成法人注销登记时,法人终止。
Article 73
A legal person declared bankrupt is terminated upon completion of the bankruptcy
liquidation and de-registration in accordance with law.
第七十四条 法人可以依法设立分支机构。法律、行政法规规定分支机构应当登记的,依照其规定。
Article 74
A legal person may establish branches in accordance with law. Where there are
laws or administrative regulations providing that such a branch shall be
registered, such provisions shall be followed.
A branch of a legal person engages in civil activities in its own name and the
civil liability thus incurred shall be assumed by the legal person;
alternatively, the civil liability may also be paid first from the assets
managed by the branch, and any deficiency shall be paid by the legal person.
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