第六十八条 有下列原因之一并依法完成清算、注销登记的,法人终止:
Article 68
If any of the following causes exists, a legal person is terminated after it has
completed liquidation and de-registration in accordance with law:
(1) the legal person is dissolved;
(2) the legal person is declared bankrupt; or
(3) there exists any other cause as provided by law.
Where there are laws or administrative regulations providing that the
termination of a legal person shall be subject to approval of the relevant
authority, such provisions shall be followed.
第六十九条 有下列情形之一的,法人解散:
Article 69
A legal person is dissolved under any of the following circumstances:
(1) the term stipulated in its articles of association expires, or there exists
any other cause for dissolution as is stipulated in the articles of association;
(2) the governing body of the legal person makes a resolution to dissolve the
legal person;
(3) the legal person has to be dissolved because of a merger or division;
(4) the legal person’s business license or registration certificate is legally
revoked, or the legal person has received an order of closure or been dissolved;
(5) there exists any other circumstance as provided by law.
第七十条 法人解散的,除合并或者分立的情形外,清算义务人应当及时组成清算组进行清算。
Article 70
Where a legal person is dissolved for reasons other than a merger or division, a
liquidation committee shall be formed in a timely manner by the persons with the
duty of liquidation to liquidate the legal person.
Unless otherwise provided by laws or administrative regulations, members of the
legal person’s executive or decision-making body, such as the directors or
councilors, are the persons with the duty to liquidate the legal person.
The persons with the duty to liquidate the legal person who fail to perform
their duties in time and thus cause damage to others shall bear civil liability;
the competent authority or an interested person may request the people’s court
to appoint the relevant persons to form a liquidation committee to liquidate the
legal person.
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